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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lebowski Fest / Jeff Bridges

Bridges, always a crowd-pleaser, kicked off the evening by gazing wide-eyed at the rambunctious audience and declaring, "It's like a Rick Perry press conference."

13 years later, The Big Lebowski is the defintion of a cult classic with a phenomenal cast of characters, perverse quotability and zen sensibilities.

The real star of the night was Steve Buscemi a.k.a. Donny, who walked on stage to a unison "Shut the f*ck up, Donny!" from the audience. One of the few times where swearing at an esteemed actor is an acceptable form of praise.

Turturro mentioned that he, "gets lots of sex mail" for his sexually-charged character "The Jesus." He broke it to the other cast bluntly: "Sometimes you guys are involved."


LIVESTREAM aired a pre-show.

We were able to interview top costumers, adoring fans and answer questions live from adoring fans from around the globe.

I was a co-host along with
Jordan Hoffman of UGO Entertainment,
Lorenza Ponce (LorenzaPonce.com)
and Jeff Dowd (The DUDE himself).

LebowskiFest 2011 - Day 2

Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, John Turturro and legendary musician T Bone Burnett gather at the Hammerstein Ballroom in front of adoring fans for a Q & A and screening of the film.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

LEBOWSKI FEST 2011 - Chelsea Piers Bowling with THE DUDE!


with Jeff Dowd "THE DUDE" himself!

DudeEx - Ringer Delivery Systems
"Her Life is In Our Hands"

Here are some amazing photos by Jesse Angelo - JesseAngelo.com

Five Caucasians..

The JESUS.. making a threat.

Can you guess??

It's "the toe"!!!

"My buddy who died face down in 'Nam"

Best T-Shirt by far!

Thanks to THE DUDE - Jeff Dowd
and UGO's Jordan Hoffman for a great time!

Next is the CAST REUNION @ Hammerstein Ballroom

Catch us on Livestream at: